Thursday, August 17, 2017

discrimination  correction

no matter how hard i try i feel like people automatically have a negative impression of me because i'm black. Of course, there are lot of people who reinforce these negative stereotypes through their action.Some would say MLK's peaceful resistance method was best but other would said Malcolm X`s eye for and eye approach was an apt method。 however, when you treat people poorly and live in a place where brain wash and oppression reign supreme it can be hard to act peacefully and ignore outward and covert abuse. I think these problems continue to occur because of many things but some of the main problems are division of class , discrimination and brainwash

Racism against blacks in america is something that wont go away but it will  change. By change i mean mutate like a cancer cell or growth. Its just a theory but slavery itself became difficult to manage with he amount of  rebellion that occurred so to create and illusion of fairness while keeping control laws were written to minimize tension and maintain control .You cant have equality if one race has a huge political, monetary and property  advantage . also, laws  were written by white men during the times of slavery so im lead to believe they are still in the favor of white men considering that rome wasnt built in a day. These laws claim that all men are created equally which may be true but they certainly arent treated equally considering  division of class, systematic racism and brainwash exist.  

どこ行ってもどんなに頑張っても感じるのが世界の中では黒人が悪いと自然に思われている。確かに、悪い事をしている人も多いので深く考えずそういう固定観念をさらに強くする人る。Martin luther king の平和主義に賛成する人も多くいるがMalcolm Xの「目には目を歯には歯を」とういう手段賛成する人もる。しかし、彼らにひどい扱いしてしまって圧迫感と洗脳非常に強い感覚がある国に住むと平和な手段で問題を解決することが難しくなってすごく悪い扱いを見てみぬふりをするようになる。この問題続く理由は階級と差別と洗脳だと思う.

Slave trade and === has obviously caused some deep rooted problems and contributes to the reason why discrimination and Divide in class effect our lives much. Hundreds of years ago some poor Europeans were suffering from sickness and disease famine. One day a few Europeans looking to settle in a new land had gathered about 20 indentured servants and promised to give them land in exchange for 7 years of hard labor. The Europeans reaped great benefits in during those 7 years and decided to back out on their deal, created laws that made slavery legal and from there some of the most and possibly the most horrendous series of incidents to happen to a race of people in recorded history. During this time, Indentured servants became slaves, there were laws which encouraged public torture and living conditions were abysmal for slaves. After a great struggle blacks would become free but would face discrimination such as separation of public restrooms and fountains, women children and men were hosed and bitten by police dogs because they protest for equal rights and a young men hung, beaten and killed for sport like cattle. Many of the white suspects pardoned for these crimes.

人身売買と===が、明らかに根深い問題の原因であり,さらにそのために人種差別や階級分化が我々の人生に暗い影を落とした。数百年ほど前、病気と飢餓に苦しむヨーロッパ人たちがいた。あるとき、少数のヨーロッパ人が新天地への移住をめざし、20名あまりの年季奉公の家僕を集めて、7年間の重労働と引き換えに土地を引き渡す約束をして契約を結ばせた。その7年間でヨーロッパ人は莫大な利益を自分のものとし、そして約束を取り消すことにして法律を作り、奴隷に法的根拠を与えると、そこからおそらく人類史上最悪のとんでもない一連の事件が起こっていった。この期間に年季奉公は奴隷と化し、公衆の面前で彼らを拷問することを奨励する法律さえ存在し、奴隷たちの生活水準はひどいものとなった。大規模な闘争を経て、黒人たちは自由の身となるが、公衆のトイレや水飲み場を分けられるような人種差別に直面することになり、権利の平等を求めて抵抗する者は、女も子どもも男も襲われ、警察犬に噛まれ、 家畜の牛のように吊るされ打ち殺された白人の容疑者の多くはそうした犯罪を犯しても釈放された。

 Systematic racism and  gentrification are control mechanisms that allow control of america to remain in the hands of old white men.(全体的な役割や責任などを持っていること). Gentrificatin is definition is the buying and renovation of deteriorating urban neighborhoods  by upper or middle class people,  raising property value but often displacing low income families.  Systemic it self just means affecting and the body generally , ingrained or something that occurs intrinsically or naturally. 

at the fault of systemic racism and gentrification black people can expect to face many hardships from the day that they are born . Gentricfication and Systemic racism are systems that only aid the perpetuation of negative imagery.  Those looking from the  outside in  seem to think blacks are nothing but violent crimnals and thieves when in fact they are terrified and reacting out of fear. However these images are created by the white america which is a bit insane considering the amount of suffering they have obviously sent Blacks through. the result of this kind of brainwash Is essentially the same concept as pavlovs dog. in shrt if yu abuse and mistreat a grup of people they will react accordingly if you continue to torture and mistreat them. The concept is simple and effective you give a dog food he will salivate. If yu introduce a stimulus before the food eventually hearing or seeing the stimulus will cause  that dog to salivate befre getting the food. 

 can  be seen in the wage gap which has been said to have actually increased from-  the late 70s until now.  On top of that the image of blacks has even been soiled overseas causing even asian countries to believe blacks are no good thieves and intimidating criminals. In result of this there is a feeling of hopelessness,  frustration and melancholy to loom over communities of black people.     

For a long time blacks were denied the education but learned how to do things like read despite these facts. Eventually blacks were freed from blatant slavery they ended up in a more inconspicuous version of slavery. As Malcolm X said there are wolves and foxes in the political system. their goals were the s ame but their approaches were different. for example there are (wolf) types who say things that rub people the wrong way and promotes racism and then their are the other white liberal types . according to Malcolm X white liberals who were assumed to be supporters of the black community did things like stop the the building of hospitals in black neighborhoods and the black people who were supposed to be leaders were puppets who betrayed the black community . the result of this is the continuation underpaid blacks, increased aggression and black on black hatred.

  • 洗脳と操作が、黒人差別において極めて大きな役割を担っていた。長い間、黒人は教育を受けることを否定されていたが、それにも関わらず読み書きのようなことは学ばれていた。自由の身になった黒人を、それでもまだは自由の身になったくせにある程度奴隷のように扱った。Malcolm X 言ったようにオオカミとキツネもいる。オオカミのような人が煽情的な激しいメッセージを発したり差別を働きかけたりする。malcolm X によると逆にキツネの振りしたような自由主義のような白人がブラックコミュニティサポートするふりをしたり、ブラックコミュニティで病院建つことに対してデモしたり、裏切り者のはめになったリーダーの黒人はただの人形でした。 リーダーになるべきだった黒人たちは黒人達を裏切ったただの操り人形だった。結果は、重労働するのを続いていて敵対的な行動と憎さがさらに強くなっていった 低賃金労働、増加した攻撃性と黒人の黒人に対する憎しみだった

intro >> problems pavlovs dog.

A*  before condition

during conditioning 
after condition

body history > effect of history > 

Money is  certainly meant to be spent and enjoyed but one obvious thing is the person with money has almost always been know to influence and hold power. "liberated blacks"  would end up making less money compared to white people forcing black people to live in poverty and further embed inferiority complexes. This kind of position control is ingenious because over time because of the feeling of helplessness blacks overly accept of this mismatch of status and also causing even the younger generation of whites to expect blacks to stay where they are .

Everyone has these has frustration and irriatation but when you add oppression, discrimination, segregation. There was a period of time when blacks were very actively fighting as if they were in a war just t protect and gain rights to be human. This long stretch of physical and mental battle surely attributes to the reason why people tend to be more violent than usual. Its very similar to the bell experiment. a simple example is a man rings a bell and the dog doesnt react then a man rings a bell and gives a dog food.  In result,  every time a dog hears this bell he drools and expects food.  The same goes for humans . There are several triggers or bellls that have been heard for decades by blacks.

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